Libertas Eastern Candidates

These are your Libertas candidates for the Eastern region:

Wednesday, 6 May 2009

Peter Robbins

My name is Peter Robbins and I am a Libertas candidate for the Eastern Region in the European elections on June 4th this year. I want to tell you a little about myself to help you make a decision on whether to vote for me.

I am fighting this election because I believe passionately in a united Europe – but not in the European Union as it is currently constructed. Many of our freedoms – national and individual - have been taken from us by stealth, and it is time we took them back.

I was born in London, but moved in 1939 to North Hertfordshire where I have lived ever since. I am married, with three children and thirteen grandchildren. I had a successful corporate career, working as a senior manager and director of several large multi-national Companies, mainly in Eastern Europe. In 1990 I started a new career as a management consultant in the former USSR. Many of the projects I worked on were funded by the EU, and I became highly disturbed at the glimpse I obtained of the fraud, waste, and corruption that was – and still is - going on every day.

In the 1970s I was an enthusiastic supporter of the European Common Market which, I was told by Prime Minister Edward Heath, would be simply a free trade area “involving no loss of British sovereignty”.
For some years I was classed as a Eurosceptic, but I have come to realise that UK withdrawal from the EU is not going to happen. However, I still remain very angry indeed that the EEC which I voted for so enthusiastically has been hijacked by unelected bureaucrats and turned into a monster.

In 1960 I co-founded a local Ratepayers’ Association, and was elected in 1964 as an Independent member of the Hitchin Urban District Council, where I served for six years. I have always been active in local affairs at district, county, and regional levels, and belong to several community organisations, including local hospital schemes for which I am a volunteer driver. I also produce training courses for business students, and am a part-time member of management seminar panels.

So why am I standing as a Libertas candidate, and what are my priorities?

I believe that Libertas has emerged as the first pan-European Party which is focussing on one main objective, and will have sufficient clout and energy to defeat the unelected but powerful oligarchs in Brussels who govern us and want to control every facet of our lives. That main objective is the root and branch reform of the EU and a return to the democratic, transparent, and accountable body that most of us voted for in 1975 and would still welcome.

In the short term, I see the Lisbon Treaty as a milestone which, if passed, will shape the destiny of all European citizens to their permanent disadvantage. I will give my whole time to the job of being a Libertas M.E.P., and believe I could be of value.

I ask you to vote for me on June 4th.


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