Libertas Eastern Candidates

These are your Libertas candidates for the Eastern region:

Thursday, 21 May 2009


In a video sent around Europe today, Libertas exposes the hypocrisy of the UK Independence party.

UKIP’s message of cleaning up Brussels is in direct contrast to how its members operate. Instead of fixing the problem, UKIP has become the problem. During the past European parliamentary term, a full quarter, 25%, of UKIP MEPs were either convicted of fraud, expelled for the same reason, or resigned in disgrace.

Nigel Farage can't stop the sleaze because he employs his wife, they refuse to publish even the most basic details of their expenses and UKIP has the laziest MEPs in Britain, attending just 60% of votes over the last five years.

DON'T judge UKIP on what they say but on HOW they behave. UKIP cannot change anything in Brussels - Libertas is the ONLY party that can change what is happening and stop the gravy train that is pouring out of Brussels. UKIP are NOT the answer, Libertas is.

Tuesday, 19 May 2009

Labour MEPs should disclose ALL expenses

Under pressure from Libertas Chairman Declan Ganley, former Labour Minister Denis MacShane MP admitted on television that Labour MEPs should disclose ALL expenses claims in advance of the European election on the 4th June. Labour MEPs just weeks ago voted to keep their expenses hidden from view.

Speaking on the BBC's Daily Politics Show, Mr MacShane also said that Libertas' campaign to put Europe back in the hands of the people, 'sounds terrific'.

Chairman, Declan Ganley said, "it's easy to make promises and conjure up soundbites on television, when the Brussels reality is completely different. On 12th March, Labour MEPs voted to keep their taxpayer-funded expenses a secret."

"We will be watching the British Labour Party closely on behalf of voters over the next three weeks, to ensure that - this time at least - they stick to their word."

The Great European Rip-Off

Best selling author David Craig made an impassioned plea today to voters to send an unequivocal “enough is enough” message to our politicians in Westminster and Brussels.

“You may think that most of our MPs at Westminster are crooks, but their stealing and thieving is petty cash compared to what’s happening in the European Union” claimed the author.

The vast scale of corruption and waste in Brussels is exposed in his latest book “The Great European Rip-Off”. David Craig is a candidate for Libertas in the South East region in the European elections on 4th June.

“Libertas has a mission to stop the waste, end the corruption and put democracy into the heart of Brussels. I want to do everything I can to assist that mission.”

David Craig previously caused a political storm when he released “Squandered – How Gordon Brown is wasting over one trillion pounds of our money”, exposing the shocking amounts of money wasted under New Labour.

Monday, 18 May 2009

World first: star in your own ad for Libertas

This week, Libertas is launching a revolutionary advertising campaign on the internet: in keeping with our mission to return Europe to the people, we’re asking anyone who supports our cause to make an ad for us.

Instead of one big corporate TV spot, we’re creating thousands of individual “people ads” - it’s grassroots, democratic advertising.

Here’s an example below. Please click on this link today ( and make your very own ad, which will then automatically run on sites like MySpace and help get the vote out.

It only takes a couple of minutes, it’s completely free, and most importantly, it lets you spread the word and convince others to vote Libertas on June 4!

Thank you,

Robin Matthews

Sunday, 17 May 2009

Trust in politicians is dead. They are traitors to their country.

This has been the darkest point in the history of British politics. Trust in politicians is dead.

Politicians right across the board have been exposed with their fingers in the till, and all they can say is that it was the system at fault. It’s disgusting. We should be able to trust our politicians enough to give them a suitcase full of used notes and say ‘just take what you think is right’. We shouldn’t have to implement a system of detailed controls to check that they aren’t fiddling the system!

Politicians are the guardians of our society. If we can’t trust them not to rob from us, then we certainly can’t trust them to run the economy, to handle massive business contracts, to run the NHS, to look after our personal information and so on.

These people are traitors to their country. They have irreparably damaged the entire political system. Full disclosure is the only way that we can drag the political class out of its current depression. That’s why this week we have made a series of ground-breaking pledges about how we will behave if elected. I strongly urge all other parties to follow suit.

It’s no longer simply a case of making sure that this doesn’t happen again. Too much damage has been caused. Our party leaders need to take a strong lead on this and completely rethink the way they do politics. If Libertas can make these promises, why can’t they?

-Robin Matthews

The most undeserved political rise in history

UKIP’s sudden boost in the polls is the most undeserved political rise in the history of Britain. The expense scandal has led to a massive 12% protest swing to UKIP in the latest poll, boosting them to 19% from their previous position on 7%. I am shocked.

There is no party that could deserve public support less if people are angry over expenses. UKIP lost two of its twelve MEPs to fraud charges, both Nigel Farage and Robert Kilroy-Silk employed their wives, they refuse to publish their expenses and UKIP’s MEPs are the laziest in Brussels, voting just 60% of the time. They have done nothing to deserve public support over expenses.

UKIP were well on their way to losing most of their seats in this election, having dropped 9% in the polls from their 2004 high point of 16%. They’ve done nothing for five years, apart from waste tax payers’ money on their lavish lifestyles in Brussels.

I am livid that in the same week that Libertas has launched a series of sleaze-busting pledges designed to stamp out sleaze in Britain, UKIP is gaining by default from this current scandal having done absolutely nothing to earn it. Bitter? You bet I am.

- Robin Matthews

Thursday, 14 May 2009



FSB Hustings

The FSB hustings in Newmarket allowed me the first opportunity to meet the opposition: existing MEPs unsurprisingly keen to show what value for money they were but the audience of hard-bitten businessmen seemed to remain unimpressed!

However, the direct message: that Europe must be changed to suit the needs of its Citizens, be responsible to and the servants of it Citizens and answerable to its Citizens came across loud and clear. it is a message that is beginning to resonate, not just one on one, but increasingly with Press and TV. We are on our way!

- Andrew Jamieson

Wednesday, 13 May 2009

Tebbit and Libertas

Norman Tebbit's advice to vote for an alternative party last night points directly at Libertas! Whilst dear old Norman probably secretly lusts for a relationship on the side with UKIP, most of us know what a dead-end affair that would be.

Europe is like the English weather, you may love it or loath it but you cannot ignore it: you have to deal with it!

Libertas is the only solution: UKIP cannot fix it and the Conservatives wont fix it. Libertas, as a pan European party, is running around 550 candidates in this election, more than five times the next largest party. 15% of the vote across Europe will give us around 120 seats; if UKIP get 15% in the UK, they'd have around 10! If the Conservatives get half the vote, they end up with 36 seats: 36 seats vs 120! One party from one country out of 191 parties in 27! Libertas will be a single, homogeneous party with MEP's across Europe.

- Andrew Jamieson

Musings on the launch

Libertas' Eastern launch received great coverage both on BBC Westminster and BBC Look East (links?). given the diversity of our Region, we had two launches: a walkabout in Watford with Declan Ganley and a students debate in Peterhouse, Cambridge.

Declan was born in Watford and had many friends in the Close where he lived; all keen Libertas supporters, needless to say, including the ex (conservative) mayor! To even up the political demographic, we have our local Watford candidate, ex-labour councillor John Dowdle. John is still well known in Watford, running as he does, the local Community Centre: the walkabout turned into a glad handing competition between him and Declan.

On to the debate at Peterhouse, held by kind permission of Professor Brenden Simms and the Henry Jackson Society.

Libertas' Pro-European message was warmly welcomed: with the storm over MP's expences just breaking, the urgent need for transparancy was much in people's mind! However, the long term development of EU was of greater focus at the meeting: a view well summed up in the enclosed peice written after the event by Professor Simms.

- Andrew Jamieson

It’s Stamp Out Sleaze Week!

Following a weekend dominated by MPs’ expense scandals, I am proud to announce that Libertas is today leading the charge to Stamp Out Sleaze.

The party is launching five pledges this week, one each day, designed to tackle the root cause of sleaze.

Our first Stamp Out Sleaze pledge is a promise from all Libertas candidates that, if elected, they will publish their expenses in detail, including receipts and explanations of what the purchase was for. Tax payers have a right to see how their cash is being spent and whether they are getting value for money.

We want to lead by example. Politics doesn’t have to be dirty. Our politicians should be people that we can trust to look after our money both wisely and frugally. That’s why we are today promising to be completely open about how we spend tax payers’ money, and I invite all the other parties to sign up to this pledge too, and together we can rebuild trust in our politicians.

The EU is broken, but Libertas can fix it.

- Robin Matthews

Monday, 11 May 2009

The downward spiral of trust in politicians

As everyone will have seen, the news in the UK this weekend has been dominated with the expense abuse by UK MPs from all sides. While the Labour party have been claiming expenses for sink plugs and films, the Conservatives have let the taxpayer foot the bill for their dog food and light bulbs. I wonder, where is the party of integrity? where are the politicians who seek to represent their people as best they can? rather than bleed them dry and let them pick up the tab for all manner of trivialities.

It is no wonder that people distrust politicians when they are ripping off the public left right and centre.

Now, I know there are some that genuinely want to help their constituents, and who do possess the moral fibre to use their expense accounts legitimately and responsibly, but they should not be the exception, they should be the rule.

The fact is, it is a poorly organised system, which is easily abused because of its lack of transparency and openness. If there was a system of full disclosure of expenses (as advocated by Libertas), then none of this would happen.

I notice David Cameron has told MPs to "say sorry" ( to the public for essentially stealing their money - using it to line their pockets and subsidise their already well paid positions instead of putting it into underfunded public services.

The same thing is happening in Brussels, but people in the UK feel so disengaged with European politics that it is largely unnoticed. The Taxpayers' alliance published an eye-opening report on how easily expenses can be abused in Brussels, and how MEPs can become millionaires in one 5 year term. It's been around a while but for those that are yet to see it, it can be found here -

Is an apology enough? Does that absolve these rip-off merchants?

The answer is to introduce full disclosure and openness for all expenses, so that people can see exactly where their hard earned money is going in the UK and in Europe.

Libertas has always been committed to democracy accountability and transparency.

With turnout so low in the UK for the European elections it plays into the hands of the mainstream national parties, who have now been exposed as untrustworthy expense cheats, who are only apologising now they have been caught out. This has been going on for far too long, and they have known exactly what they have been doing.

To usher in a new era of openness and politicians you can trust vote for Libertas on June 4th. To keep upto date with all of the Libertas news including candidate launches across Europe sign up to the Libertas mailing list at and encourage your friends to do the same...

Sunday, 10 May 2009

Vote Lbertas

So my youngest grandson want me to vote Libertas.

Here he is.

Saturday, 9 May 2009

Libertas and the BBC

Read this article by Ross Hawkins, BBC political correspondent: a fair and accurate account of Libertas..

Friday, 8 May 2009

Declan Ganley, founder of Libertas, comes home.

Declan Ganley was back in the UK yesterday campaigning on behalf of his candidates in the East of England. The Libertas founder, who was born and raised in Watford, visited his childhood home in a northern suburb of the town and later campaigned in the town centre. Surrounded by former friends and family Mr Ganley said he had fond childhood memories of the area: “People say it takes a whole village to raise a child and this was my village.”

After canvassing shoppers in the high street he commented that it reinforced his awareness of how much people in the UK distrusted their European leaders and that's why Libertas was a movement about us and not them, saying he was encouraged by their reaction to the Libertas message.

Speaking later at a debate at Peterhouse College Cambridge to an audience of students he challenged them to name the people in Brussels who make most of our laws but was met by silence. A central theme that he came back to was that Libertas are not anti but pro-european saying "if people came to LIbertas expecting euro-scepticism they'd be disappointed. We're not euro-sceptic but euro-optimistic." Adding that 'my mother was always optimistic that I might one day get to Cambridge but hadn't really thought it would happen. But it has. And so can change in Europe".

Professor Brendan Simms, who prior to the meeting admitted he had not been totally convinced by Libertas' arguments, said he felt he had heard the future of politics in Europe.

Wednesday, 6 May 2009

Deaf Ear to Democracy

In an incredible display of arrogance and disrespect for the will of the people, members of the European Parliament will have a lengthy debate tonight on the implementation of the Lisbon Treaty. That’s right, the Lisbon Treaty, the same Treaty that Libertas defeated in Ireland and - according to the EU's own rules - is now dead.

Apparently, the bureaucrats in Brussels don’t care what the people think. And the truth is, they don’t need to. Because, right now there is no one to hold them to account.

That’s why the movement you are building right now is so important. It’s up to you whether or not Europe will be accountable to its people. Libertas is our last chance - our only chance - to make sure we have democracy at the heart of the European Union.

The European Elections are only 29 days away. Please email everyone in your contact book. Ask your friends. And get ONE more person to join the movement today.

The MEPs will debate a total of five different reports for this anti-democratic debate, including the Parliament’s new role and responsibilities in implementing the Lisbon Treaty. This discussion is a perfect example of the inherent disrespect the EU has for the democratic views of European citizens, and the lack of accountability to which we are strongly opposed.

This morning Libertas Chairman, and leader of the winning “No” campaign in the 2008 Irish referendum, Declan Ganley said, “Members of the European Parliament are completely out of touch with reality. Instead of debating real issues like how to solve the economic crisis, they are spending resources on something which does not exist because it has been rejected by the people who were allowed a vote on it.

This displays their arrogance, their disrespect for democracy and their waste of taxpayers’ money".

No wonder multiple newspapers across Europe have now confirmed that Brussels is living in fear of our movement, the Libertas movement. What those bureaucrats fear most is a movement of the people. Because they know that if millions of us act together, as Europeans, we will create a new hope for the future – a Europe where Brussels is efficient, focused on creating jobs and restoring our economy, and is overseen by the people.

Please email everyone in your contact list. Ask your friends. And get one more person to join the movement today.

The Libertas movement is gaining tremendous momentum across Europe. We have united the leading figures of the “No” campaigns in France, Ireland and the Netherlands (Declan Ganley, Philippe de Villiers and Eline van den Broek) who worked tirelessly to make sure that the people in their countries were given a vote.

But, now, we need YOU. Our movement is in your hands. You are it. The new hope for Europe will live or die based on what you do now.

So, if you want a strong Europe, a democratic Europe where only elected leaders make the law; if you want a referendum on any Constitution; if you want a real solution to the economic crisis; if you want to hold Brussels to account; if you want to renew the hope that we all had for Europe, then help build the first true party of Europe. A party dedicated to openness, accountability, transparency and democracy.

There are millions of others like you who want a new Europe – they are your friends, your work colleagues, your family members, your neighbours, and members of your community and now we need you to get them to join our cause.

Andrew Jamieson

Hello, my name is Andrew Jamieson and I’m the Libertas candidate for the constituency of Eastern England in the European elections on June 4th, 2009. I’m fighting in this election because I’m really concerned about the hand-over of sovereignty to a body that is distant, opaque and unaccountable to the people it is supposed to serve. I’m a pro-European but worried that the European project has lost its way and needs to change to make a democratic, accountable Europe that people can believe in. I think this can only be addressed at a European level and on a pan-European basis.

I was born in Thornham in Norfolk in the house where I still live. Whilst pursuing a successful banking career spanning London, New York and Asia, my roots have remained firmly in East Anglia. For the last 10 years I’ve focused on my farm on the North Norfolk coast, developing sustainable small scale farming, growing a whole range of seasonally available fruit, vegetables and salads. The apple orchards alone are the home of more than 150 varieties of English Apple, including over 100 originating from East Anglia. Through my farming business I’ve become acutely aware of the difficulties and delays incurred by having to follow remote and irrelevant European legislation, which creates huge costs in terms of local employment, local produce and local autonomy.

I have a wealth of business and commercial experience, which I’d like to use to reform the EU. Since 1981 I’ve worked in the investment industry as a securities broker, investment banker and fund manager. I began my career with Vickers da Costa in London, later moving to Robert Fleming before being recruited to help launch Peregrine international in 1989, assisting in its growth to a USD 1.5bn company, first in the UK and then in Hong Kong. I currently work with the merchant bank MG Capital, and am based in London and Norfolk.

So what are Libertas’ and my priorities?

Because the economy is in an unprecedented mess, Libertas and I will ensure that EVERY penny spent by Europe demonstrates value-for-money, in order that we can safeguard our financial future, and that of our children.

Because I believe that democracy is one of the values that unites ALL Europeans, Libertas will make the EU truly open and accountable like never before. We want to publicise the way decisions are made and who makes them, so that we can make Europe work for us.

Because Europe has been run in secrecy by élites and bureaucrats that are simply unknown to most people, I want to be part of a grassroots movement that gives Europe back to the people.

That is why I ask you to vote for me and the new pan-European party Libertas on June 4th.

Thank you, Andrew Jamieson

Carlo de Chair

I’m standing as a candidate in these elections because I’m a pro-European but against the democratic deficit which has steadily built up over the years by national governments ceding ever more powers to Brussels with fewer and fewer democratic checks and balances. The European Parliament doesn’t enact legislation in the same way as a British parliament does. It is there to rubber stamp the edicts of Brussels so it is little wonder that countries which have recently become independent states are unwilling to bow to the unelected, unaccountable bureaucrats in Brussels and are truly supportive of our proposed reforms. Our voices will not be heard until there is a party large enough to take on the Commission. Only a pan-European party such as Libertas can win enough seats to form a majority at Strasbourg and make the changes we need.

I was born in Norfolk and still live in the county. After school I served in the British Army including postings to Cyprus and Northern Ireland. I’ve subsequently had a varied business career: as a farmer, developer, and in the insurance industry. I currently run a fashion company with my wife, Laura so I’ve seen at first hand the problems that distant and irrelevance legislation can cause individuals and businesses and the sheer volume of bureaucratic red-tape that is strangling small businesses. On a personal level, my father was an MP and I’ve served as a local councillor in Essex where I used to live. I’d like to continue serving the people of East Anglia as an MEP in the European Parliament where I believe we can really make a difference to people’s lives.

Henry Burton

As the son of a solider Henry Burton grew up moving house every few years, living for 7 years in Europe. When his father left the Armed Forces the family decided to put roots down in Newmarket, Suffolk.

Henry followed his father’s footsteps into the British Army and following an 8 year career, serving in the Balkans and Iraq, he moved to the commercial world where he now works in the insurance industry. He is married and has a young son.

Henry believes that the European Project has a vital role to play in ensuring peace and prosperity for its half a billion citizens, although the EU is increasingly becoming distant, self serving and is now largely in the hands of unaccountable elites. He believes that the European Project can only flourish on a foundation of democracy, accountability and transparency and that only Libertas, as the first and only pan European Party, can effect change and lead reforms that are desperately needed to breathe life and soul back into European ideal.

John Dowdle

After gaining a BA Honours degree in Politics and Government as a mature student, John worked at Harrow College as a Lecturer in Politics and Business Studies. During the same period, John gained a Master of Arts degree in Politics and Government, as well as a Certificate in Education (Post-Compulsory Education). John wrote a textbook on British Politics and Economics Since 1945, as well as politics-related articles for political journals and newspapers like The Guardian. John Dowdle took early retirement in 1997 to devote more time to his activities as a local Watford Councillor (1995 to 1999) and to spend more time with his wife. Unfortunately, John’s wife died in 2001 and he has remained a widower since.

Since 2002, John has worked as the manager of a local community centre in Watford and served as chairman of a local primary school governing body for four years. Originally slightly euro-sceptic, John has become a euro-realist, in the sense that he recognises that all people living in Europe need to come together in a common cause to defend and promote civilised European humanist values. John has young relatives with children of their own and it is for their sake that John has decided to re-enter the political fray under the banner of Libertas.

Libertas is the only Europe-wide political party committed to a renewed European Union, primarily based on the values of democracy, transparency and accountability.
The annual waste of €500 million spent moving euro-parliamentarians and support staff between Brussels and Strasbourg each month is one of the prime targets that John and Libertas believe needs to be addressed.

The failure of the European Commission to achieve properly audited accounts for 14 years is also an example of the type of current inefficiency and contempt with which such institutions treat the democratic electorate of Europe.

The present appalling waste of hard-pressed European tax payers’ money is a scandal which John and Libertas are determined to root out to ensure that all taxpaying European citizens receive proper value for their money.

John Dowdle and Libertas are committed to changing the bad old ways of the current euro-clique so that the voice of the European people will finally find expression through the European Parliament after 4th June 2009.

It is time to support change. It is time to support Libertas. It is time to vote Libertas

John Harmer

My name is John Harmer and I am the Libertas candidate in Eastern England for the election on 4 June. I thought I should tell you a bit about myself to help you make an informed decision in the ballot box.

I am a Chartered Accountant by profession and am now semi retired, and have lived in Essex most of my life. I am married to Sandra and this year we will celebrate our 42nd wedding anniversary. We have two sons and two grandchildren with a third due on the day of the European elections. I believe a strong and democratic European Union is essential for the future of my sons and especially my grandchildren. I was bought up in Ilford and attended school in Woodford Green (both then part of Essex!). After school I attended the University of Bristol and graduated in Economics and Accounting After qualifying I emigrated to Canada. Subsequently and for most of my career I worked in the City of London in leading merchant banks. For the last fifteen years I have worked on projects, some financed by the European Union, in Eastern Europe, in counties which were formerly Communist

As a result of my travels I am convinced Britain is the best country in the World and that we are well placed to take advantage of the opportunities that lie ahead. Above all we have had a stable existence for longer than most countries in the world. That stability is under threat every day and in every way from abroad and even more so from within. In particular our governments, both New Labour and Conservative, have handed power to the European Union in a way that suits them and in such a way they can blame their own failings on the European Union.. Further failed politicians from the UK have gained positions as European Commissioners.

Globalisation is of immense benefit to the people of Britain and in particular for older people. In such a world, and one where the economic power of Asia is growing fast, it is essential for Britain to be part of a powerful regional grouping- the European Union. The British attitude is one of reluctant acceptance to the European Union Knocking the European Union is a national pastime. Our attitude is self destructive. This needs to change as Europe needs our leadership.

So it is time for a fresh start with a new political party- Libertas. Only Libertas can cut through the cynicism, double dealing and reluctance shown by our political establishment towards Europe. The European Union must be sensitive to the wishes of its people. At the moment control lies with national governments. I believe that political control is too distant from the people of the European Union. Hence a powerful mandate is needed for the European Parliament to scrutinise the European Commission.

Voting on 4 June is vital for anyone who wants democracy in the European Union. That vote must be for Libertas. Only Libertas offers that opportunity. Vote on 4 June for Libertas. It may be the last chance to reform the European Union.

Thank you

John Harmer

Peter Robbins

My name is Peter Robbins and I am a Libertas candidate for the Eastern Region in the European elections on June 4th this year. I want to tell you a little about myself to help you make a decision on whether to vote for me.

I am fighting this election because I believe passionately in a united Europe – but not in the European Union as it is currently constructed. Many of our freedoms – national and individual - have been taken from us by stealth, and it is time we took them back.

I was born in London, but moved in 1939 to North Hertfordshire where I have lived ever since. I am married, with three children and thirteen grandchildren. I had a successful corporate career, working as a senior manager and director of several large multi-national Companies, mainly in Eastern Europe. In 1990 I started a new career as a management consultant in the former USSR. Many of the projects I worked on were funded by the EU, and I became highly disturbed at the glimpse I obtained of the fraud, waste, and corruption that was – and still is - going on every day.

In the 1970s I was an enthusiastic supporter of the European Common Market which, I was told by Prime Minister Edward Heath, would be simply a free trade area “involving no loss of British sovereignty”.
For some years I was classed as a Eurosceptic, but I have come to realise that UK withdrawal from the EU is not going to happen. However, I still remain very angry indeed that the EEC which I voted for so enthusiastically has been hijacked by unelected bureaucrats and turned into a monster.

In 1960 I co-founded a local Ratepayers’ Association, and was elected in 1964 as an Independent member of the Hitchin Urban District Council, where I served for six years. I have always been active in local affairs at district, county, and regional levels, and belong to several community organisations, including local hospital schemes for which I am a volunteer driver. I also produce training courses for business students, and am a part-time member of management seminar panels.

So why am I standing as a Libertas candidate, and what are my priorities?

I believe that Libertas has emerged as the first pan-European Party which is focussing on one main objective, and will have sufficient clout and energy to defeat the unelected but powerful oligarchs in Brussels who govern us and want to control every facet of our lives. That main objective is the root and branch reform of the EU and a return to the democratic, transparent, and accountable body that most of us voted for in 1975 and would still welcome.

In the short term, I see the Lisbon Treaty as a milestone which, if passed, will shape the destiny of all European citizens to their permanent disadvantage. I will give my whole time to the job of being a Libertas M.E.P., and believe I could be of value.

I ask you to vote for me on June 4th.


Peter Mason

Peter has lived in Cambridge for thirty-four years, originally having been born and brought up in Liverpool. He is 57 and is married with one teenage daughter. He spends his spare time with family, studying European affairs, and training and exercising his border collies.

Having originally trained as an engineering craftsman Peter decided to pursue a career in personnel management. He has extensive experience in the field and has worked in a wide range of industrial and commercial sectors in East Anglia. He is a Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development, a Member of the Organisation Development Network, and is currently studying for an LLM in European Union Law.

Peter is particularly interested in how EU employment legislation affects the innovative small and medium enterprises in our region, EU competition law, and free movement and mutual recognition in the single market. He is concerned that the demands arising from the Common Fisheries policy are disproportionate in the way they impact on the small scale independent beach launched fishing operations found along the North Sea coasts. MEP’s must be prepared to insist that proper scrutiny is given to the effect of all proposed legislation and its impact on our small businesses and communities before it reaches the statute book.

Peter wants to see a truly democratic European Union where no law is passed without a positive vote in the European Parliament and ratified by votes in the national parliaments.

Tuesday, 5 May 2009


Libertas and Dr Brendan Sims invite you to hear why we should say YES to Europe but NO to an undemocratic EU with Declan Ganley, the founder of Libertas.

May 7th, 1800hrs, Upper Hall - Peterhouse
Declan Ganley, the founder and Chairman of the new pan-European political party Libertas, will launch the Eastern Region campaign for the European Elections on Thursday May 7th at 1800hrs in the Upper Hall, Peterhouse. In June 2008, Mr Ganley and Libertas burst onto the stage of European politics, successfully leading the “No Campaign” in the Irish referendum on the EU’s Lisbon Treaty. Libertas’ call for increased democracy, accountability and transparency within the governing bodies of the European Union resonated with the Irish electorate. Today, Mr Ganley has built Libertas into an EU-wide political organization.

As the first genuinely pan-European party, Libertas is committed to the reform of the European Union and its institutions. Libertas is fielding candidates for the European Parliamentary 2009 elections in Austria, Czech Republic, France, Germany, Ireland, UK, Latvia, Luthuania, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, Spain, Sweden. Libertas is a pro-European political party committed to strenghtening and energising democratic participation within the European Union.

7th May at 1800hrs in Upper Hall - Peterhouse College

Drinks will be served.